Granting Postmedia Access To Your Verified Facebook Domain

Last updated on January 6, 2023 in Connecting Your Business·linkCopy link

This document is for companies who already have a verified Domain with Facebook. In that case, Postmedia needs you to share access to this verified Domain. Postmedia will use this access to properly set up urls on the ads we run on your behalf.

As part of the Welcome Guide process, you will be able to “Grant Access” to your Verified Domain.

Below are the steps required to grant access to Postmedia.

To be able to grant the proper access to Postmedia, you must be the administrator of your Facebook Business Manager account. If you are not the admin, you can forward the onboarding process in Step 1 of the Domain onboarding process.

To Forward, select No, someone else has access and enter their email address. We will send them access to finish the onboarding process on your behalf.

Selecting Permissions step inside the Postmedia Welcome Guide

If you are the administrator of the account, follow the steps below:


Go into Facebook Business Manager settings and find the Domains option in the left hand navigation under the Brand Safety section. Alternatively, you can click the link below:

Link to Domain inside Facebook Manager

Search and select the Domain that Postmedia requested access to. If you are not sure which Domain we need access to, it is displayed at the top of the Domain Onboarding Process inside the Postmedia Welcome Guide.

Postmedia Welcome Guide showing which domain we need access to


Click Assign Partners.

Select Assign Partners on the domain we need access to


When you click Assign Partners, a pop-up box with a form will appear. Inside the Postmedia Welcome Guide there is an account id to be copied that you can then paste inside the business “partner id” field.

Paste Postmedia Business Id inside the partner business Id


Inside the Partner Access section, turn on Link to domain and Manage Domain. Postmedia requires full access to be able to properly track conversion results from your ads to your Domain. Click the Next Button.

Select required settings for giving access to Postmedia


Go back to the Postmedia Welcome Guide and click Confirm Invites inside Step 3 of the Domain Onboarding process.

This will inform the correct onboarding team that you have sent access to the Postmedia teams. They will verify that the teams and permission levels are correct. You will receive confirmation of your onboarding status within 1-3 business days.

If you have more than one Domain to grant access, switch to the other Domain inside the Postmedia Welcome Guide and follow the onboarding instructions for that Domain.

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